Ru K’ux Ya’ (Heart of the Water) by Paula Nicho Cúmes, 2015

As well as being symbolic, Paula Nicho Cúmez’s paintings are from the point of view of a Maya woman. In this painting we see a woman emerging from a mountain spring. She represents the heart (Ruk’u’x), the essence, of the spirit of water (Ya’). Paula explains: “Our Mother Earth is generous and wants to see us grow. She gives us water from her breast and lets us live in her body as her memory.”

There is a secondary theme in this painting, one Paula revisits regularly in her paintings. The traditional designs in Maya weaving appear on the woman’s skin—not on something she is wearing. In this way Paula indicates that the traje (traditional attire) that she wears every day is like a second skin—part of her essence as a Maya woman.