Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Tz'utujil Maya Artist from San Juan la Laguna
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Gritos y Llantos por Incendios Forestales(Screams and Cries for Forest Fires)2003, 33" x 40" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-158Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
La Joven Mujer que Fue LLevado al Monte por no Cumplir la Promesa de un Baile Maya(The Young Woman Who Was Taken to the Mountain for Not Keeping her Promise at a Maya Dance) Depiction of a Maya folktale.2016, 30" x 40" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-409Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto por Explosión de Cal Terrón(Fright Caused by the Explosion of a Lump of Quick Lime (used in making corn tortillas))2009, 25" x 36" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-280Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Isaias Pintando su Familia y la Riqueza Cultura Maya(Isaias Painting his Family and the Wealth of Maya Culture)2019, 32" x 24" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-426Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Gritos de Lobos Cantando Awaauuuuu por los Espiritus de la Naturaleza(Cries of Wolves Singing Awaauuuuu for the Spirits of Nature)2022, 32" x 24" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-429Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Muchos Jovenes que No Tienen Estudios(Many children don't go to school)2008, 24" x 32" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-236Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
For commentary about Isaias's paintings in the Moran Collection visit:MayaWomenInArt.org |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Escasez de Buses en Guatemala(Bus Shortage in Guatemala)2010, 24" x 32" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-288Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
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Gritos de Lobos Viendo el Señales en el Cielo donde la Familia Hablan con el Sanjorin de la Naturaleza(Cries of Wolves Seeing Signs in the Sky where a Family Speaks with the Sorcerer of Nature)2011, 24" x 32" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: ISA-323Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Miembros de la Iglesia Catolica se Asustarón por Gritos de Lobos de la Semana Santa(Members of the Catholic Church Frightened by Crying Wolves during Holy Week)2011, 32" x 24" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-329Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Tuctuqueros Peleando por un Pasajero(Tuctuc drivers fighting over a passenger)2009, 24" x 32" Oil on canvas, stretched Cat: ISA-277Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto de Cazadores(Fright of the Hunters)2011, 24" x 32" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-331Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Dolor de la Naturaleza antes de la Tormenta Tropical Agatha(Nature's Pain in front of Tropical Storm Agatha)2011, 24" x 32" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-340Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Accidente por Tacuasines en el Camino(Accident Caused by Tacuasines in the Road)2012, 24" x 32" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-341Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto de Fotografos(Fright of Photographers)2012, 24" x 30" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-333Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Gritos de Lobos y Tacausines Señalando y Viendo Tiempo de la Naturaleza(Cries of Wolves and Tacausines Signaling and Seeing Changes of Nature)2008, 22" x 32" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-238Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Juegos de Perros(Dog Play)2009, 21" x 31" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-273Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Sueño de Isaias(The Dream of Isaias)2016, 22" x 30" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: isa-415Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Isaias Pintando Huracán Mitch(Isaias Painting Hurricane Mitch)2016, 30" x 22" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-414Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Gritos de Lobos Viendo los Movimientos de la Naturaleza(Cries of Wolves Seeing the Movements of Nature)2014, 30" x 20" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-371Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Lobos Enojados por los Señales de Padre Sol y Madre Luna Viendo los Cambios Climaticos(Wolves Angry at the Signs of Father Sun and Mother Moon Seeing Climate Changes)2013, 20" x 30" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-373Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto y Peligro por Encuentro Espíritus en el Camino(Fright and Danger due to Meeting Spirits on the Road)2014, 20" x 30" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-389Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Destruccion por un Remolino del Aire Xocomeel del Lago Atitlán(Destruction by a Whirlwind of Xocomeel Air on Lake Atitlán)2014, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-379Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Mal Momento de Vendedores de Perros y Gallos, Encuentro Cambios Climaticos de la Naturaleza(Unfortunate Moment for Dog and Rooster Sellers, Encountering Natures Climate Changes)2015, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-386Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Fracaso de los Cazadores(The Failure of the Hunters)2003, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: ias-143Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
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Hambres del Lobos(Hunger of Wolves)2004, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-170Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
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Esforzanda de Buscar Flores de la Semana Santa(Effort to Find Flowers for Holy Week)2004, 26" x 20" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-184Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Extrañando y Peleando por un Barrilete(Missing and Fighting over a Kite)2005, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, stretched Cat: ISA-202Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Peligo de Cortar Flores y Bajar Barriletes del Día de los Difuntos(Danger in picking flowers and bringing down kites on Day of the Dead )2004, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-208Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Señales de Lobos Viendo el Tiempo Bueno o Malo(Signs of Wolves Seeing Good or Bad Weather)2004, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-169Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Fracaso de los Venados(The Failure of the Deer)2004, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-175Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Fracaso de los Texeles(The Failure of the Sisterhood)2004, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-176Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Pueblo Maya de San Juan No Logró su Objetivo por Cansancio(The Mayan People of San Juan Did Not Achieve Their Goal Due to Exhaustion)2004, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-209Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Mala Hora y Susto de los Pescadores(Bad Time and Fright of the Fishermen)2004, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Cat: ISA-211Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Sacrificio y Costumbre del Pascual Abaj(Sacrifice and tradition of Pascual Abaj)2009, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Cat: ISA-268Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Quebrando Piñatas del Día de los Niños, 1 Octubre(Breaking Children's Day Piñatas, October 1)2010, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-291Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto por Remolino en el Camino y Zanates sin Miedos por Espanta Pajaros(Fright from a Dust Devil in the Road and from Crows without Fear of a Scarecrow)2015, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-369Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Llorando la Naturaleza por Cazar un Jaguar(Nature Crying for the Hunting of a Jaguar)2015, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-370Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto por el Señor Vigilante en la Noche(Fright for the Night Lord Watcher)2016, 20" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-411Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Como Evitar Coronavirus en Guatemala(How to Avoid Coronavirus in Guatemala)2020, 24" x 20" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-428Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Fuerza del Aire Xocomil del Lago de Atitlán(Force of the Late Afternoon Wind on Lake Atitlán)2008, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-245Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Gritos de Lobos Señalando el Tiempo(Cries of Wolves Signaling Changes of Weather)2009, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: ISA-267Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Lobos Amaneciendo con Hambre(Wolves Waking Up Hungry)2002, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-116Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Noche Velada por Día de los Santos(Vigil for All Saints Day)2002, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-117Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Cansancio y Desvelo de Saravando de mi Pueblo(Exhaustion and Disorder during the Sarabanda in My Town)2003, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-210Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Primer Bano de la Madre y su Hijo en Agua de Medicina(First bath of a mother and her son in medicinal water)2008, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas, Cat: ISA-247Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Isaias Pensando el Patrimonio Cultural de Guatemaya(Isaías Thinking About the Cultural Patrimony of Guatemala)2016, 26" x 17" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: ISA-416Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Cansancio de Traer una Campana que Tiene Cien Kilómetros de Sonido (The Tiredness of Bringing a Bell Whose Sound can be Heard for a Hundred Miles)2017, 26" x18" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-400Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto de Cazadores por Enfrentamientos de Perros y Venados(Hunters Scared Due to Clashes of Dogs and Deer)2012, 18" x 25" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-348Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Convertiéndse en Characoteles(People Becoming Characoteles)2013, 18" x 25" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-350Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Gritos y Enojados por el Espíritu Personal(Shouting and Anger for the Personal Spirit)2013, 18" x 25" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-351Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Extrañando y Viendo Coronavirus en Guatemala(Feeling Uncomfortable and Seeing Coronavirus in Guatemala)2020, 24" x 18" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-427Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Lobos y Cangrejos Asustado por el Eclipse(Wolves and Crabs Scared by the Eclipse)2912, 18" x 24"
Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-344Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Bañando en Tiron(Bathing)2017, 18" x 24" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-421Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto de Corte de Cacao(Surprise while Cutting Cocoa)2018, 24" x 18" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-422Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Peligro de Buscar Flores(Danger in Searching for Flowers)2019, 24" x 18" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-423Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Riqueza Cultural de Guatemala(Cultural Riches of Guatemala)2018, 18" x 24" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: ISA-425Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Ensayando una Danza de Venados y Jaguares(Rehearsing a Deer and Jaguar Dance)2017, 18""x 24"
Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-402Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Gritos de Lobos Mirando el Cambio de la Naturaleza del 13 Baktun Maya(Cries of Wolves Watching the Changes of Nature of the 13th Baktun Maya)2011, 16" x 24" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-322Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Hombre enamorado(man in love)2015, 16" x 24" Oil on canvas, unframed Cat: ISA-375Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Perros Viendo el Espíritu de la Mujer Enferma(Dogs Seeing the Spirit of the Sick Woman)2013, 22" x 15" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-367Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Fracaso por Intentar de Sacar Miel(The Failure in Trying to Get Honey)2004, 16" 20" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-166Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Perros Enojados por el Epíritu de la Naturaleza(Dogs Angry with the Spirit of Nature)2013, 16" x 20" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-364Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Sueño de un Perro(The Dream of a Dog)2017, 20" x 16" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-420Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto de Señales en el Cielo(Surpise at signs in the sky)2007, 16" x 20" Oil on canvas, Cat: ISA-217Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Vendedora en Problema(Seller with a problem)2008, 16" x 20" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: ISA-229Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Accidente por Perros Curiosos(Accident Caused by Curious Dogs)2011, 16" x 20" Oil on canvas, Stretched Cat: isa-311Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Peligro por un Remolino del Aire Xocomeel(Danger for a whirlwind of the Xocomil)2015, 14" x 18" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-417Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Conflicto de Tuctuqueros por los Pasajeros(Conflict of Taxi Drivers over Passengers)2012, 15" x 30" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-356Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Nacimiento y Señales de Lluvia por el Grito de Lobos(Cries of Wolves for the Beginning Signs of Rain)2011, 13" x 27" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-324Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Desorden de Mercadería(Merchandise Disorder)2011, 13" x 27" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: isa-306Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Inundación(Flood)2008, 8.5" x 26" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: ISA-246Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Alegria de los Difuntos en el Cielo(Joy of the Dead in the Air)2017, 32" x18" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-399Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Peligro de Bajar Barriletes en un Arbol(The Danger of Lowering Kites from a Tree)2014, 30" x 15" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-412Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Susto de Conseguir Leña(Fright from Getting Firewood)2010, 30" x 9.5" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-303Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Costumbre de Piramide de la Independencia(Custom of Forming a Pyramid for Independence Day)2010, 30" x 9.5" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-304Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
| The following paintings are in the collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Inundación en Guatemala(Flood in Guatemala)2001, 18" x 28" Oil on canvas.
Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Copyright: Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Dolor y Llanto por los Difuntos(Pain and Crying for the Dead)2002, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas.
Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Copyright: Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
La Mujer Viuda y el Retorno de sus Hijos que no Tienen Estudios (The Widowed Woman and the Return of Her Children Who Have No Education)2011, 15" x 30" Oil on canvas.
Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Copyright: Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian |  |
| Museums are in the process of acquiring these paintings. |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Vista del Perros del Día de los Difuntos. Barriletes con Espiritus Levantados por el Aroma del Incienso(What Dogs See on the Day of the Dead: Kites with Spirits of the Dead Awakened by the Aroma of Incense)2012, 24" x 36" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: isa-334Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Disastres Naturales por Vientos y Lluvias(Natural Disasters due to Winds and Rains)2003, 36" x 56" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: isa-181Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Texeles y Sacristanes se Asustaron por el Eclipse(Church women and sancristans surpised by the eclipse)2008, 24" x 36" Oil on canvas, Framed Cat: ISA-251Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Destrución de los Huricanes en Guatemala(Hurricane Destruction in Guatemala)2010, 21" x 31" Oil on canvas, Unframed Cat: isa-287Diego Isaias Hernández Mendez |  |